Our Pillars
Marion County Hospital District applies its mission by operating healthcare programs spanning five crucial healthcare areas.

Diabetes & Obesity
We offer free Diabetes Empowerment Education classes through the Active Marion Project (AMP) and invest in strategic initiatives for diabetes prevention and self-management with community partners, including Heart of Florida, Community Home Project (CHP), Estella Bryd Whitman Community Health Center, and Interfaith.
To reduce obesity and related chronic diseases, we connect the community with education, nutrition, and life-stabilizing services that promote healthy lifestyles. Through programs like AMP, Fitness and Nutrition in Schools (FANS), and The Community Home Project (CHP) we approach this urgent issue from multiple angles.

Substance Use / Behavioral Health
At MCHD we strive to innovate the substance use and behavioral healthcare delivery system. We offer programs that optimize service delivery through metrics-based performance improvement practices, and treat the whole-person through integrating on-demand comprehensive behavioral health and medical care services for Marion County residents. Our community partners include Project Hope, SMA, LifeStream, My Life Counsel, Kimberly’s Center, SADD-Children’s Alliance, Heart of Florida, Kut Different, Dove Wellness and Counseling, Ocala Consulting and Prevention, Project Hope, and Beacon Point.
We invest in internal and external programs for tobacco cessation in the community, including through FANS, SADD-Children’s Alliance and AMP.

Unintentional Injuries
MCHD is dedicated to improving the health environment by reducing the occurrence and severity of unintentional injuries, such as choking, drownings, and falls through comprehensive prevention strategies and effective treatment interventions with community partners.