
Useful healthcare and healthy living information for Marion County residents from our different programs: Active Marion Project, Fitness and Nutrition in Schools, Beacon Point, and Community Home Project.

Love Your Heart, Love Your Life

Love Your Heart, Love Your Life

Cupid and Eros, chocolates and time, a bouquet of red roses for your sweet Valentine—all of this pageantry is perfectly fine . . . for Valentine’s Day. What about the other 364 days of the year? Or, in the case of 2024 (a leap year), what about the other 365 days? You...

Acts of Service: Helping Others Helps Yourself

Acts of Service: Helping Others Helps Yourself

Just to be clear at the start: We shouldn’t help other people just to get something out of it for ourselves. That’s more manipulation than altruism. Then again, why not remember that helping others positively affects our physical and mental health—and reap the...

Practicing Gratitude Brings Health Benefits

Practicing Gratitude Brings Health Benefits

Let’s talk about first things first—the title of this blog is intentionally named “practicing gratitude” rather than “being grateful” or just “Gratitude Brings Health Benefits.” Nobody is born grateful, and expressing gratitude doesn’t come naturally to very many...

NOW Is the Time for Diabetes Awareness, Treatment, and Prevention

NOW Is the Time for Diabetes Awareness, Treatment, and Prevention

Did you know that November in the United States is National Diabetes Month, and November 14 is World Diabetes Day? According to the American Diabetes Association, each November is a time when communities join together “to ring the alarm on the diabetes epidemic. For...

These Healthy Habits Could Help You Live Longer

These Healthy Habits Could Help You Live Longer

It’s been said that “Life is choice. Choices have consequences. You can choose your choices, but you can’t choose your consequences. Choose wisely.” Think about it—you choose when to get up in the morning. You choose whether to brush your teeth first or take a shower...

Yoga Is for Everyone

Yoga Is for Everyone

Ask a room full of people why they don’t exercise, and you will hear all kinds of reasons. Some will be easy to understand — perhaps an injury or medical issue. But you will also hear a lot of reasons that are built on myths. Here’s a quick episode of MythBusters:...

The Health and Fitness Benefits of Dance

The Health and Fitness Benefits of Dance

Many people avoid exercise because it’s hard work and zero fun. But there are a ton of health and fitness benefits available through dance. And for a lot of folks, dancing is way more enjoyable than hitting the weights or running on a treadmill. When the pandemic...

Workplace Wellness Is Important & Benefits Everyone

Workplace Wellness Is Important & Benefits Everyone

Some people may associate “job” with “stress,” so it might be strange to hear the phrase “workplace wellness.” The word “wellness” involves physical, mental, and emotional health, and there are two distinct groups of people who need to prioritize workplace...

Staying Safe in the Summer Sun

Staying Safe in the Summer Sun

Florida is famously the Sunshine State — but during the dog days of summer, that may not be a good thing. Sun exposure carries a number of health risks, from sunburn to skin cancer to heatstroke. Some people are more susceptible than others, depending on their skin...

Workplace Wellness 101: Staying Safe and Healthy at Work

Workplace Wellness 101: Staying Safe and Healthy at Work

May is Global Employee Health and Wellness Month, but actually, workplace wellness should be a year-round campaign! As people spend about half their waking hours at work, it’s important to embed healthy behavior within company culture. And of course, employers should...

Everything to Know About Blood Pressure

Everything to Know About Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease, and it can be a chronic illness in its own right. Cardiovascular wellness includes maintaining a healthy blood pressure and lowering your risk of cardiac events such as a stroke. But what does it mean to...