Marion County Community Support Resources Directory
Health and Wellness is Our Mission

The Healthy Ocala Initiative is here to help every citizen in Marion County find the care they need. With the passionate leadership of Mayor Ben Marciano and the support of the Marion County Hospital District, all residents of Marion County can now easily access a brand new hub of behavioral health and substance use recovery services on this page.
The Marion County Community Support Resources Directory provides a trusted network of local providers, readily available services and life-changing tools for those experiencing hardship or behavioral health concerns. Our mission is to empower a thriving community for generations with compassionate professionals and individualized support. Some of our community resources dedicated to providing accessible support include Advocates for Our Angels, His House for Her, Hope Outreach Help Center and Ocala Nar-Anon Family Group.
The effects of behavioral distress and substance use are devastating. We are here to connect you with the right people and services for a healthier lifestyle today.
This website is to be used as a guide to community resources only. No listing provided here is endorsed. This website is not to be used to diagnose, treat, or intervene in any mental health or medical situation. If you are experiencing a medical emergency or need immediate help, call 911.

Behavioral Health Resources
Find access to affordable counseling and behavioral health support in Marion County. Resources are available for those living with navigating distress or experiencing trauma-related symptoms.

Substance Use Resources
Drugs and alcohol are often used to cope with untreated behavioral health challenges. Substance use resources in Marion can assist with screening, treatment and recovery for adults and youth who may be struggling with substance use or addiction.

Recovery Support Resources
Recovery is possible. Use our comprehensive list of adult recovery services and resources to overcome the effects of substance use and establish transformative life skills for successful recovery.

Family and Youth Resources
Families affected by domestic violence, substance use, incarceration or those in crisis can find free or reduced assistance for counseling and other intervention services.

Other Community Support Resources
Accessible community programs, self-help care, peer groups and mutual aid can support vulnerable groups to overcome barriers and maintain healthy lifestyles.

Healthy Baby Resources
We supply expecting mothers and parents with the necessary tools for raising a healthy baby. Learn about pediatric care, behavioral health support, developmental screenings and free baby supplies for mothers in Marion.